
Wisdom: What has been your primary struggle in your marriage?

Marriage is the best thing and the hardest thing..at the same time! I have a feeling we will always need wisdom in this department!
-CB: Time.  Being married to someone that has demands in all areas of his life means that I am the benefactor on one side and sometimes lonely on the next.
-DW: Communication
-JS: Blessed to say not many but would maybe say consistency of parenting.  I'm the bad guy...he's the super fun Dad.
-SS: I have to say I am married to a very patient man so my marriage has not been my biggest challenge. I think realizing there is a purpose in our differences has really helped.
-BF: Communication......it's easier for some people to withdraw when the relationship is not "perfect"  It takes more courage and strength to communicate and work things out than to just accept a less than great marriage!  God desires us to have a GREAT marriage! 
-BM: Have to say I've been pretty lucky.  I guess time to talk.
-AA: When the kids were young, making them the primary focus of everything without devoting special time for just the two of us.
-JM: He doesn't seem to mind as well as my girls do! :)

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