
My Happy Place...Babies Included!

I found THIS article: The Skinny on Being a Successful SAHM (on Pinterest of course). I read it and agreed with everything- then I thought..well, I feel like a successful SAHM and I don't really do all of that daily! I wish I did! I started thinking through what is successful FOR ME, realizing that everyone is different and thrives in different environments! I love being at home with my girls- I was grieving the girls going back to school because our home is such a peaceful, happy, DELIGHTFUL place! Our favorite days are the ones when we get to stay at the house all day and hang out. SO, I have been thinking through the things that make me happy and at peace at home and I jotted them down for you. Every person is different- so these things might not make your home a "happy place" but just in case you need some new ideas..Here you go!!
BEFORE I start...you need to know a few things-
a) My home is not the cleanest home you have seen (what I wouldn't give for a cleaning lady...but I do my best!)
b) There are absolutely times when the house is complete chaos- I mean...complete!
c) I have a thing for "ambiance" so you will notice my list is heavy on the "peaceful ambiance" factors
d) if you are a first time mom just know that there is no "formula" for "success" when you are a stay at home mom- but you can do a few things to make yourself happy and healthy at home- you know what I say..when mama is happy and thriving...kids are happy and thriving!

The Skinny on Being a Successful SAHM lists these things- here is the reality of what I do on that list:
1. Get up before everyone else does (This rarely happens for me...but I would like it to! Usually my girls are pulling me out of bed!)
2. Take a shower daily/preferably in the morning (I try for this...but I definitely do every other day!!)
3. Exercise Daily (AHH, those days of exercising daily! I think being a mom is exercise!)
4. Get out of your Pj's (I TOTALLY agree with this one...however, we have one day a week when we try to stay in them as long as possible!)
5. Make money while you stay at home with the kids (this is a case by case basis of need/desire/opportunity- I work from home a bit but I think we have a FULL plate without it!)
6. Eat Healthy and take vitamins- (YES!!)
7. Get some you time while the kids nap (this is a big deal for me, I have my quiet time and relax during nap time- I think it is good for the kids to help you with the "getting stuff done"- folding laundry, etc.. take YOU time!)
8. Join a mommy & me playgroup (we LOVE play dates!)
9. Ask for Help/Take a break (I love babysitters!)
10. Look at the bright side of every day (Amen!)

Here is my list:

10 Ideas for a DELIGHTFUL and Peaceful Home...Young Children Included! 

1. Candles: I think it makes my day happier to have a yummy candle lit. I keep a little stash in the cabinet so that I always have one on hand. I grab them whenever I find a good one at a store. THIS is my favorite favorite favorite one!
2. Drinks: I like to use "fancy" glasses- why have them sitting in the cabinet waiting for a party once or twice a year- use them! I have silver goblets I let the girls use- it is just fun and delightful to use them! I am also a sucker for coffee mugs (most of my favs are from Anthropology)- it really does make coffee or tea an "occasion"!
3.  Lotion and Soap: I wash my hands a million times a day- so I like to have fabulous lotion and soap at my sinks. My favorites are Molton Brown or Barr-Co. It makes me happy to have pretty smells!
4. Noise: we really wanted a TV in the living room above the fire place- but it was a budget cut so we do not have any TV's on the main level. We have 1 in the master and 1 in the basement. I would eventually love one in the living room because I would love to have my Bible Study in there- HOWEVER not having one on the main floor has been great for "peace". I have worship music playing all day long and it just creates a peaceful environment to be able to talk and listen to music. Milly has started raising her hands when I turn it on lately- I love that she has a heart for worship! I think this is a huge point for peace in our home! HERE is a list of my favorite songs.
5. Personal "Grooming": I am the kind of person who just feels better with a little BB Cream and some blush- at the minimum. So I like to wake up and get myself ready..most days. I also feel better in a flattering outfit- even if it is sweats, get delightful flattering sweats! I am not going to tell you I have clean hair all days...but at least my checks are blushed! I love to throw on my Lucy pants and I am wishing for some Lululemon pants!
6. Dishes and Laundry: I have found that I am a lot happier at my home when there are no dishes in the sink. Our disposal broke and we had to turn the water off last weekend, which caused a little "pile up" in the sink- I was miserable looking at that kitchen- I just feel better when the dishes are out of sight! SO..I run the dishwasher once a day- I make sure to take time after each meal to either load the dishes or wash them- it does not take long and it is a big deal for Happy Me! Laundry wise- I would have told you before kids that I am happiest when the hampers are empty...well that is physically impossible with children. SO, I try to do at least one load per day and stay on top of it. I wish I could tell you I wash all of the sheets every single week- but I am happiest when we all have clean sheets so I try my best to do that often! While I am at that- fabulous sheets really add to my happiness at the house- one set of really yummy sheets for the master bed is worth every penny!
7. Entertain: I have a little personal rule- I will have people over and open my home regardless of cleanliness! If I am waiting to have a perfect home before I invite people over...we will be lonely! I try to live in reality- we are respectful of the things God has given us and try to keep our home picked up and nice...but Life happens and my wood floors get dirty and we spill soap in the sinks..and that is okay- Come on over! I really try to never be more concerned with the condition of my home than I am with making my guests feel welcome and comfortable!
8. New Day: Each night I really try to pick up and start fresh. It might be a tornado at dinner/bed time but before I go to sleep- it is in "ready condition" I like to start each day with a "clean slate"!
9. Unclutter: I am constantly throwing things away- if Ellie or Izzy bring things home from school- I either a) hang it up in the garage art wall b) take a photo of it and file it (it has to be AWESOME to file it- otherwise it goes to the art wall) or c) toss it. The mail gets filed, thrown away or put in the "to do pile". But if I don't throw away and unclutter every day- it gets crazy!
10. Just Say No: I think we have peaceful home because we are not always running out! I say "no" to a LOT of really fun and delightful things- because I cant be rushing around and running out of the house all day- the girls need calm play time and so do I! I want to be able to say "Yes" to play dates, lunches, spur of the moment trips :) Simplify!!!

{Drinks: I love these mugs from Anthropologie totally worth $8!}

{I also have and love THIS one}

{and..I desire THIS one! If I had a "collection" it would be yummy coffee mugs!}

{Lotion and Soap: Barr- Co Lotion and Soap

{Personal Grooming: Flattering/Comfy pants from Lucy}


  1. I love your blog! I've been reading it for a while and It been so uplifting to me. I have shared your articles about being a stay at home mom. I recently quit my job after the birth of my third - partly based on the inspiration I got from your blog. Thank you for all the great information :)

    1. AWW- thank you for this sweet message! It made my day! blessings to you!


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