Purchasing all of the necessities for a newborn can be overwhelming..ok it is extremely overwhelming! My friend Stephanie sent me her baby supply list when I was pregnant with my first and I found it so helpful that I added my own stuff and have updated it with each baby (3 times now). I look at this list later and think- “wow, did I really NEED all of that stuff?” But as I have a newborn again, I am reminded that I use all of it..not “necessary” but extremely helpful!! Other moms have found the list helpful when going to register- it is always wonderful to have gear with babies, so I hope this is helpful. I have learned one very important lesson with gear, buy quality the first time and you wont have to repurchase. Everything I purchased for a “deal” I have since replaced for function or quality. So, close your eyes and pay for the good stuff and you will have it for all of your kids! I have been using a lot of this stuff for 5 years and will use it for another 5 with my newborn, so the “price per use” is minimal when you think you could be using it for 10 years (or more if you have a lot of children or space them out).
I recently asked some of my girlfriends to weigh in on their favorite gear- so I included those additions below. It is a good reminder that everyone likes different gear and every baby is different with what they like- if you have a hand-me-down option for gear, I say take it so you can try and see what works, most of it washes really well!
My Top Items for Baby 0-5 months! (in no order)
Mobile: Symphony in Motion is my favorite
Baby Bjorn: great for grocery shopping, etc.. before you can put them in the cart. My SIL introduced me to http://www.ergobabycarrier.com/ this is awesome- I have tried both and like the Bjorn better- try them on and see which you like. (if you get the ergo, get the infant insert to go with it or you will not use it for 5 months or so)
Swing: Natures touch papasan swing is great! If I were to start over, I would get the Mamaroo
Swaddle Designs blankets and burp cloths: they are light weight and huge so it is easy to use. Aden + Anais are wonderful also! I use these to cover up while breastfeeding in public or to change a diaper in public as well.
Play Mat: I have the Gymini Super Deluxe Light and Music- any one is fine (great for tummy time)
Wipe Warmer: works great with Costco Kirkland brand wipes- they are nice and thick and great in bulk (the warmer sounds unnecessary, but delightful at 4am!)
Diaper Champ: uses regular kitchen bags, which is great! Get the Febreze Kitchen bags- they are scented and make the pail not so nasty!
Gerber Sleep ‘N Play Pj’s: these are really light weight but still have the footsies- I like the zip ones because they are easier to get out of than the buttons or snaps, they really are the perfect weight, even in winter.
Car Seat: I really like the Peg Perego (get a neutral color)- an infant carrier is great for babies. When they turn around (around 1 year) they will need another seat, I really like the Britax Boulevard when they face forward (it has great head rests). Get an extra base for the infant car seat, you can put it in another car and not have to re-strap all of the time. *Remember, infant seats expire after 5 years, so don’t throw too deep if you are spreading your kids out- I would rather splurge on the 2nd car seat and do less on the infant carrier- in my opinion any carrier is fine really- make sure it is compatible with your stroller.
Stroller: I have the Bugaboo Cameleon, it is great because the tires can go on any surface, you can jog with it, the handlebar expands, it folds up easily, it has a skateboard for your second child to ride on, the material is easy to wash. I dont think you necessarily need the Bugaboo, just make sure the one you get has the features you want the first time. I know people who have purchased a cheap one and then have to get another one for jogging, or with swivel wheels, etc.. I will say, swivel wheels are my #1 feature in a stroller. I have the Bob Revolution for my double stroller- it is AMAZING. (I started with another cheap one and had to go to the chiropractor every time I pushed it!) Here are the features to pay attention to: wheels (I like bicycle tires for smooth ride on any terrain, make sure they all swivel or at least the front ones, how small does it fold up to be (if you have a small car this is important- can you fir groceries in the back with your stroller), how heavy is it, can you wash the material, a cup holder is huge, easily pushes a car seat (or you can get the click it stroller for the quick in and out and have the other for exercise and long outings- that is what I have- the bugaboo car seat adaptors are annoying to use)
Diapers: just get 1 package of Newborn diapers, they have them at the hospital and will send some home with you. You will need some at home, but they move up really quickly. I always go up to the next size before the box says, you will notice size 1 is 8-14 lbs but size 2 is 12-18- I usually switch at the first number on the bigger size box. Sams has Pampers, Costco has Huggies and Kirkland brand diapers are great for older kids. I like the Swaddlers for newborns, they are so soft. Baby’s R Us has good prices for boxes and they have a rewards program where you can get a free box for every 9 you buy. I use Amazon.com now because with Amazon Mom they give me free 2 day shipping on most purchases- and the price is better on Amazon.
Pack N Play: This is great for sleeping ANYWHERE, I also like this for my living room- she chills in it while we eat and I will put her for a nap out in the living room occasionally so she is used to noise and action- they will sleep through anything! You will also need this for baby wise book 2 if you do it- they learn to have playpen time- it is lifesaving! If you do Babywise, you will have pack and play time until she is 1- it is great. Grab 3 sheets to go with this also.
Highchair: You wont use this until 5 or 6 months, but you should register for one. The only thing I suggest is to have a slick seat you can wipe off, the cloth ones are annoying to constantly have to wash.
Rocking Seat: any one will do, make sure it vibrates or something fun. Really good to have for “spitty” babies. I have the Maclaren and have loved it for all three girls, my friend let me use her bouncer chair and I loved it- if I was on the first baby I would get this one {LINK}
Dreft Stain Spray/ ALL Free and Clear detergent (or Tide- any “free” will do): the hospital told us about ALL Free and Clear it is a lot cheaper than Dreft detergent, now there are so many “free” options. I also like Biz to soak bad stains in- works like a charm.
Hand Sanitizer: Hands 2 Go foaming- I have this in every room for people who come to visit- and for us- it is just at Babies R Us- I also like BabyGanics Foaming Hand Sanitizer- any one will do- just get a lot!
Kirkland Brand Wipes: so great! (Costco) or any wipe will do
Nursing Tanks: Glamour mom tanks are awesome- really slimming, Target has good tanks also
Lily Padz: great instead of the disposable breast pads- make sure to use hot water and their wash to keep the sticky- I use both Lily Padz (when I don’t wear a bra, sleeping) and disposable pads (with my bra)
Pump: I love the Medela pump in style (that was unanimous with my girlfriends)- just get an electric one no matter what- the double one is delightfully quick but expensive- it is necessary if you breastfeed (can’t live without it), it really helps with engorgement. I used to be disgusted by used pumps, but now that I have used one- the actual pump is just a machine and you can buy all new parts, which will save you $100+ – if you have a friend willing to give you their pump, take it and buy new parts!
Lazy Boy Rocker: not the most beautiful but oh so wonderful! It reclines for naps and it rocks- and Dads loves sitting in it with the babies because they are big and comfy!
Batteries: just go to Costco/Sams and get a pack of every kind
Medela microwave steam clean bags: for pump, pacifiers, bottles, etc..
Pacifier: I like Avent with the flat heads, they will give you the big green ones at the hospital- make sure your baby likes them before you buy a lot of them (I only had 1 of 3 like it)
Monitor: make sure it has a long range, you never know where you might need it to reach! 🙂
Sound Machine: Make sure to turn it on LOUD, this really helps when you stay somewhere else, they know the minute the sound machine goes on, it is bedtime. I like the White Noise App on the iPhone for travel.
Nursing Ointment: I started putting the Lansinoh breast cream on 1 month before my girls were born- a small amount after shower- and I didn’t have any trouble with sore nipples- also I like bio oil for stretch marks- and really for everything! and Soothies for sore nipples
Car Mirror: for your car, so you can see baby when he is facing backwards in his car seat- once you have child #2 you don’t need this- they watch for you!
Baby Book: take it to the hospital with you for foot prints or you can use your PrayerWithPurpose book for this too!
Nursing Bra: get fitted right before you deliver- you will grow!!!!
Changing Pad Cover: If you have a changing table, get a pad and 3 covers for your pad. They get dirty a lot. (I put a burp cloth on top when I change to minimize the dirty!)
Bath Essentials: Towels- If you can find a really big, thick one with a hood that will be great, and grab some super thin ones for laying over them (newborns) in the bath. Soap and lotion- I like Mustella, it smells really good, when they are spitty this is delightful to cover up the stench! Infant Tub- safety 1st complete care bath center (I like the foam bears to put in the little tub when they are infants). Washcloths- lots of them…LOTS
Clothing: Don’t get a ton of 0-3 month stuff- just cute Pj type outfits – my girls were wearing 3-6 month stuff by the time we went out of the house. I like to avoid as many 2-piece outfits as possible when they are newborns, they squirm so much you will be constantly pulling the shirts down- 1 piece is the way to go!
Bedroom Essentials: Crib, changing table, baby hangars, 3 crib sheets (they do get dirty with spit up or “blow outs” see suggestion below on sheet), crib bumper (although now they say these are unsafe..I like them), etc..
Bottles: every baby is different, trial and error! BPA free is the way to go- I like Dr. Brown glass bottles- but I have been unsuccessful at all three girls taking a bottle, so I am no help on this!
PrayerwithPurpose books! Make sure to take them to the hospital to document all of the blessings!
Girlfriend Additions/Tips: (I have smart girlfriends!!)
Miracle Blanket for swaddling
Ultimate Crib Sheet – get 2, at least- they go on top of your sheet to save you the hassle (when my girlfriend told me about this, I grabbed one- genius!)
Kiddopotamus swaddle blanket
Helpful videos: The Happiest Baby on the Block, Dunstan Baby Language
Feeding help: Feeding: Pillow- A must have is the pillow called My Brest Friend. This is the only one I can nurse with. I found the Boppy really hard to use for nursing. The baby slips between you and the pillow. I ended up using the Boppy to sit on to ease the discomfort in my booty after delivery. Now I use it for tummy time. Hooter Hider – Go to hooterhider.com. This is a great nursing cover and it’s cute. Best of all it has boning in the top so you can see what you are doing. If you want to save some $$$ make one yourself. Do it now while you have time!
Bottles: Bottle warmer – I thought these were a silly luxury, but ended up buying one. It warms the milk much quicker than putting in in warm water in a dish. Get a bottle drying rack and a dishwasher container. You’ll end up using the dishwasher when you get tired of hand washing 50 bottles and all their little pieces.
Labor Suggestions: Some people like “focal points” or chapstick/ hard candy to suck on. However, I find that if I need a focal point or I’m huffing and puffing enough to need the others, what I really need is an EPIDURAL! And you aren’t allowed to eat or suck on anything after you get blocked. With the other 2 I literally stayed in the hospital for 24 hours after birth before going home, but I packed the exact same stuff as you (below). It may have been more than I needed but you never know when you pack your bag what’s going to happen with labor.
Labor Suggestions: hospital/home- water bottle (always thirsty), for natural birth- tucks pads for at home after hospital. Also Colace at home for after birth. My own pillow for hospital. My list would emphasize pen and paper to write down timeline of events, list for thank yous, ect.
The best tip I recieved that I listened to was to have your baby’s picture professionally taken within two weeks (still newborn/before baby acne). Good to have this in mind/appt set before labor. I am so thankful that i did this for my girls.
Hospital gear: I was pretty ridiculous about this, but I took EVERYTHING from my hospital room (diapers, pads, ice packs, spray bottle,etc.). The one thing that you MUST take is the bulb syringe that they put in your baby’s bed. Don’t feel bad…they have a million of them and as soon as they would wheel the baby in for a visit I would take the syringe out and put it in my bag so they would replace it the next time they brought him in! They are the best that I have found as far as suction. The ones in the kits you get at the store are not that great in my opinion. (JM NOTE: once you get your hospital bill, you will not feel bad about taking ANYTHING, and they have to throw them away for sanitary reasons anyway!!)
For nursing moms, make sure to ask for the Hydrogel pads for your nipples while at the hospital. They are awesome!! And I know that Lansinoh makes gel pads now, but the Hydrogels are actual gel bandages for healing scarred tissue and they work miracles.
Mommy’s Bliss gripe water is all natural and works miracles on hiccups and gas. And it is all natural so no worries about medicating.
Medela Strapless Hands Free Bustier – the fact that this is strapless is great because I do not have to totally get undressed to put it on and then pump. The whole idea of wearing it is ridiculous! but there are so many things we do while nursing that are ridiculous
**Best way to register- have someone with a baby go with you- it makes it easy!
The Hospital: Here are my ideas to take to the hospital
A dark robe (I was an old lady, but I got a zip up robe and I LOVE them when I am nursing and in the hospital- Get a dark one- for obvious reasons!
changes of underwear (3 or 4)
Nursing bra
Nursing tank, (love glamour mom tanks, target has good ones also, see above)
Shampoo, face wash, TOOTHBRUSH!!!, toothpaste, etc… blow dryer, make up (all of the essentials
Cameras and chargers
Baby book (so they can put the foot prints in them-if you have PrayerWithPurpose there is a place for footprints and details in the back)
Cell phone and chargers
Mags, books
One outfit for baby (going home outfit) they have clothes for the baby to wear in the hospital
Outfit for you to go home (dark sweats work great (your coming to the hospital outfit will probably not fit anymore!)
One swaddle blanket (they have swaddle blankets in the hospital that are great- but you might want to bring a pretty one for going home or pictures)
Slippers or socks for walking around
Soothies for your nipples- they are great, and Lilly Padz are amazing- but not until the milk is in (see above suggestions) (some hospitals have them, see girlfriend list #11 above)
Car seat with base (you will have to check out with the car seat)
Pen and paper, insurance cards, drivers license
The have diapers and wipes so no need for those, but have Newborn size Pampers Swaddlers at home (or whatever diaper brand you choose)
Feminine Pads: they have pads there, but have some at home- really thick ones, I think the ones at the hospital are great for while you are there.
I am not sure what you will need for labor- everyone is different- go to http://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/checklist/hospital-packing.aspx they have some ideas- suckers and stuff- I liked ice which they provide at the hospital- the hospital has most everything you need, and everyone is really willing to bring you stuff. My Girlfriend list above has some good suggestions!