
Recipe Monday/Merry Christmas Eve: Baby Jesus Cupcakes

Recipe Monday/Merry Christmas Eve: Baby Jesus Cupcakes My cousin/friend Amy posted a picture of these darling baby Jesus cupcakes she made for her son’s class and I just thought you needed to know about them- what a perfect “recipe monday” for Christmas Eve! Merry Christmas Eve! Thank you Amy! Ingredients:1 box cake mix – your […]

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Birthday Dinner!

I know I discussed my pumpkin party being the next post- however, we had the pumpkin party and I took 0 pictures of the actual pumpkin painting! It was chaos! I did take some food pics…of that post will have to wait until after our little birthday/house warming party this weekend.For today, I decided

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Recipe Monday: BREAD!

My Friend Mindy- who always pulls through with amazing recipes- sent me two bread recipes to share with you! Enjoy! Zucchini Bread3 eggs2 c. sugar1 c. vegetable oil1 T vanilla2 c. grated zucchini2 c. flour1 T. cinnamon1 tsp. salt2 tsp baking soda¼ tsp. baking powderBeat eggs until frothy. Beat in sugar, vegetable oil and vanilla.

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Chili Recipe

Well, even though it is 80 degrees here in Fort Myers, I am making my Chili for dinner for two basic reasons 1) I have the ingredients and 2) Dave thought Chili Frito Pie sounded good! So, while I am waiting for it to cook, I thought I would share my recipe with you! I

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